
Kananda consulting Carbon footprint

👣 The 1st step: measure your carbon footprint: this will allow you to identify what you can change in your everyday life to reduce CO2 emissions

KaNanda Consulting

To make real changes to your everyday life, you can consult this website

The window for action on climate is small. Use Count Us In Communities to engage your teams.

Learn more about the climate breakdown and current policy:

The IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report provides a comprehensive analysis of climate science, its impacts, and mitigation strategies, offering crucial insights to guide global climate decision-making. Read More

This link leads to the Summary for Policymakers from the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report, offering a concise overview of key findings and policy recommendations for addressing climate change.

Have a play around the MIT online climate simulator to find out what’s needed to keep the world 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

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